Thursday, October 15, 2015

In order to display my sad potato walk cycle I had to open my .fla file in Flash CC, then go to File>Export to Video.  I checked convert in Adobe Media Encoder and stop exporting when the last frame is reached. Then in blogger I clicked on the movie symbol and dragged the .mov file to my post.  Oh happy day for sad potato!



Sunday, January 25, 2015

Overlap and Follow Through - The Flying Egg animation

I created 32 drawings to animate an egg flying through the air. For the animated .gif I captured 2 frames for every drawing and 6 frames for the last frame as a rest. Animating fabric has many challenges in trying to make the fabric flow from frame to frame. I tried to use what I learned from the flag waving animation to make the fabric flow.  I think it works for the  most part but I wish I had more squish at the beginning of the animation and more flow in the egg flying from the upper left down to the lower right (the fabric seems a little stiff there).


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Flag Waving Animation

This was a difficult set of drawing initially.  I really had to focus on the movement of the fabric in the animation to try and make it look like wind was moving the fabric.  I did 9 drawings and repeated each for a total of 18 frames in the animation.

Walk Cycle Drawings

Here is my walk cycle drawings.  I ended up doing three sets of drawings before  getting one that I was happy with.  My first drawing was to plot out the head movement and spacing of the drawings so that my figure would move across the page.  Working on a light table really helped keep the drawings consistent. The animation is on 2s.  It may work better as 1 drawing = 1 frame.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Ball Bounce Project

Trying a post with a little larger output for this photoshop animation  600 pixels wide by 300.  Used a photoshop action script to color and exposure correct each photo (took about 3 minutes to set up and only seconds to run). Copied each drawing twice - "Drawing on Twos."

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

I'm Ms. Sherwood an instructor of graphic design, illustration, animation and photography at Stephen F. Austin High School in Austin, TX.  I love graphic design, illustration, photography and animation. Animation allows me to combine my love for design, illustration and photography and create something that is not just flat but exists in time.  Here you see a simple thaumatrope optical toy that I made out of paper and turned into an animated gif of 2 looping frames.  I want people to see that even with just 2 drawings you can create something that moves.